Bitcoin Space Mine

A journey through one of the biggest sources of imagination and curiosity about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies presented in 6 pieces.

Get the NFTs

The Journey

An orbital travel through the mine. From the Satoshi commander flying around to the inner mining operation.

Dev Core

The mine dev core is the control room. It includes all the code required to run the system. Includes bitcoin daemon and contributors panel.


Computer generated algorithms do the blocks mining inside the mine, capturing chain data and resolving complex cryptographic calculations to generate bitcoin.


Computer generated algorithms do the blocks mining inside the mine, capturing chain data and resolving complex cryptographic calculations to generate bitcoin.

Satoshi Commander

Despite the fact nobody knows Satoshi, he’s still there, flying around cyberspace on his spaceship and taking care of the space mine and all bitcoin ecosystem.

The Reactor

The reactor are responsible for generating power consumed by the mine. It captures energy from nearby magnetic fields and directs to the plant.

The Reactor

The reactor are responsible for generating power consumed by the mine. It captures energy from nearby magnetic fields and directs to the plant.

Genesis Block

The genesis block, where all started. It is proudly displayed on the mine side as a reminder of why we are here.


The collection is available as NFTs on OpenSea for each one of the 6 pieces. Each piece has 10 editions. As part of a unique idea, it will be initially available in a bundle with all the 6 NFTs.

Each bundle has a price of 0.5 ETH, the first 3 bundles have a special price for early collectors.

Contract address: 0x435e8db3799d0a53ac92f386ffdcf77928f429d8

Bundle 1 0.2 ETH
Bundle 2 0.3 ETH
Bundle 3 0.4 ETH
Bundle 4 0.5 ETH Buy Now
Bundle 5 0.5 ETH Buy Now
Bundle 6 0.5 ETH Soon Available
Bundle 7 0.5 ETH Soon Available
Bundle 8 0.5 ETH Soon Available
Bundle 9 0.5 ETH Soon Available
Bundle 10 0.5 ETH Soon Available